Class Proposed Schedule

The proposed schedule below is subject to change. My initial plan is to cover all the material listed here but I might modify it if extra time is needed for some particular topics. I will update this table as needed during the semester.

Lecture Module Date Topic Homework
L1 M1 Jan 12 Introductions and Course Overview Join Slack Workspace
L2 M1 Jan 17 Intro to Time Series Analysis, Intro to R and RStudio, Github, R Markdown A01
L3 M2 Jan 19 Autocovariance and autocorrelation function  
L4 M2 Jan 24 Partial autocorrelation function
ACF and PACF in R
L5 M2
Jan 26 ACF, PACF and plots in R
Trend Component Estimation
L6 M3 Jan 31 Seasonal Component - Stochastic vs Deterministic Trend  
L7 M3 Feb 2 Trend and Seasonal component estimation in R A03
L8 M3 Feb 7 Stationarity Tests: Mann Kendall, Spearman, Augmented Dickey Fuller A04
L9 M4 Feb 9 Outlier types, detection, how to handle missing data A05
L10 M4 Feb 14 A3 Solution
Finish outliers in R
L11 M5 Feb 16 Intro to the Traditional Box & Jenkins Models - ARIMA family
Stationary Models: AR and MA process
L12 M5 Feb 21 A4 Solution
AR and MA order (poll)
ARIMA(p,d,q) Models
L13 M5 Feb 23 ARIMA(p,d,q)
Fitting ARIMA Models in R
L14 M6 Feb 28 A5 Solution
Seasonal ARIMA and Periodic ARMA Models
L15 M6 / M7 Mar 2 Finish SARIMA in R
Intro to Forecasting
Averaging Techniques
L16 M7 Mar 7 Forecasting with ARIMA Models
Forecasting in R
L17 M8 Mar 9 (remote assynchronous) Watch recodings for M8
Work on Project, Team building
Project Proposal (2-3 slides)
-   Mar 14 Spring break no class  
-   Mar 16 Spring break no class  
L18 M8 Mar 21 Review Model Diagnostics
Review Residual Analysis and Model Selection
Model Performance in R
L18 M9 Mar 23 Model Performance in R
State-Space Models
Bayesian Statistics
L20 M9 Mar 28 State Space Models in R
Go over Forecasting Competition
Forecasting higher frequency time series
A09 - part I
L21 M10 Mar 30 Advanced Forecasting Models in R A09 - part II
L22 M11 Apr 4 TBATS models in R
Scenario Generation
Work on project/competition
L23 M11 Apr 6 Scenario Generation in R
Course Recap
Course Evaluation
Work on project/competition
L24 - Apr 11 Final Project Presentations
Presentation Schedule
Work on project
- - Apr 13 MEM Symposium - no class Work on project
L25 - Apr 18 Final Project Presentations
Presentation Schedule
Submit project and competition knitted files